2008 Massachusetts Ballot Initiative
("Question 1") to End the Income Tax
Current campaigns and projects
Thank You
To the thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters who gave
voters a choice to end the income tax, we thank you with all our hearts for your
We want to thank the talk hosts and newspaper columnists who
have done so much to expose government waste and abuse and who supported this
tax cut, especially: Howie Carr of the Boston Herald and WRKO, Michael Graham of
the Boston Herald and WTKK, Jay Severin of WTKK, Margery Eagan of the Boston
Herald and WTKK, Dan Lovallo of the Talk of Connecticut, Scottie McCall of Money
Matters Radio, Neil Cavuto of Fox News, Glenn Beck, Michael Medved, Dr. Charles
Ormsby of The Valley Patriot, and Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe.
thank Steve Forbes of Forbes Magazine for endorsing Question 1, and Steven Moore
and the Wall Street Journal for supporting our efforts.
A deep thanks to
the commentators who made the case for Question 1 through letters to the editor,
blogs, columns, radio and videos.
We thank our friends Barbara, Chip, and
Chip at Citizens for Limited Taxation, and the National Taxpayers Union,
Americans for Tax Reform and Ron Paul for their support.
A warm thanks to
Question 1 spokespersons Kamal Jain and Rich Aucoin who both made the case for
ending the income tax and also lent critical support to this campaign; to
tireless campaign helpers who dedicated their lives to this campaign for over a
year: Nina Haskins and Alvin Anders; and to Sue Mojica, our tireless press
We thank the candidates who supported Question 1 in the face
of strong opposition from government employee unions and the media.
thank the speakers at our Faneuil Hall rally who made a slam-dunk case for
ending the income tax.
Craig Franklin: Thank you for being there at the
beginning and being with us all the way.
A special thanks to key players:
Chuck Ormsby, John Garrett, Peter Kuntz, Evan Rooney, and Joe Murphy.
Many thanks to Harold Wolfe, Nancy Murphy, Len Mead, David Doctor, Garrett
Quinn, John Cunningham, Bob French, Michael Nystrom, Gerry Cardillo, Gregory
Barros, Brett Tomlinson, Norm Paley, Corie Whalen, Ted Tripp, Bill Hees, Bruce
Simoneau, Dan Caless, Kristina Nilsson, Matt Kinnaman, Cynthia Stead, Chris
Belkas, Mike Lints, Phil Lemos, Lenny Cooperman, David Hudson, Christy Mihos,
Kent White and Irwin Jungreis for their support of this campaign.
to every yard sign depot, every petitioner and every volunteer who helped to get
us on the ballot.
And finally, we thank the 901,802 Massachusetts voters
who did the right thing and voted Yes on 1 to END the Massachusetts Income Tax.
It’s a vote you can take pride in for the rest of your life.